
This section describes the functions in the File menu. These functions are used to handle file operations like loading and saving files. You can also access the CNC-Calc configuration through this menu.

Some file operations are located located under the global File Tab.

Das Datei-Menü.


Neue Zeichnung erstellen

Leert die Zeichenfläche (mit einer Warnmeldung zum Speichern der ungespeicherten Änderungen).


Zeichnung öffnen

Opens existing CNC-Calc drawing files or DXF files.

Der Pfeil nach unten neben dem Öffnen-Symbol zeigt Ihnen eine Liste von zuletzt verwendeten Dateien an, um Ihnen einen Schnellzugriff auf Dateien zu geben, die Sie in letzter Zeit bearbeitet haben.



Saves the drawing to your hard disk. If it is the first time you save the drawing, you will be prompted for a file location and name. To save the drawing with a different name, you need to use the Save As function located in the global File tab.

Save function can also be accessed with Ctrl+S.



Opens the print dialog to print the current view of the drawing.


Setup CNC-Calc

Lets you access the configuration for CNC-Calc.

Please refer to the section CNC-Calc Settings for more information on how to configure CNC-Calc.