Backplot and verify the tool Path

Switch to the backplot page and open the backplot window by clicking the icon .

This should open a new page looks like the one below.

Now we will tru to verify the program with the help of Solid Animation.

First close the current window by clicking the icon . Then insert the line N17 T1 in the program. This is to indicate that the operation will be performed with tool number one.

Now open the Solid Simulation with a click on the icon . Now the window should look like the picture shon below.

Now we have to define the initial size of the raw part and the tool. This is done by clicking the Solid Setup icon .

Fill out the dialog with the values shown in the picture below.

When Ok is pressed the tool configuration window will open.

Fill this dialog with the values shown in the dialog below and close it with Ok.

Now the defined part should be shown in the Animation window and it should look like the picture below.

Start the animation by pressing the Play icon . The animation speed is controlled with the slider above the Play icon. Please notice that when the slider is set to the left of the center mark the animation is reversing.

When the Animation is done the finished part should look like the picture below.

This concludes the Constant Cut Outside In Tutorial.