Pocket Milling

CIMCO CNC-Calc V8 can generate pocket milling toolpaths.

You can watch the related video for this part of the tutorial here:

Creation of Pocket Toolpaths

To start creating an NC program for the pocket operation, select the function Pocket Milling to generate a CNC-toolpath for pocket milling (ensure that ISO Milling is selected in the field File Type).

Write the text POCKET in the Comment field of the CNC-Calc pane Pocket Milling. This text will be included at the start of the final NC code for this operation. When multiple operations exist in the same NC program, the comments will help to locate and identify the start of each operation.

Click on the inner contour of the drawing. This will highlight the inner contour that will be used as boundary for the pocket operation.

Click on the button Parameters in the CNC-Calc pane Pocket Milling. This will open the configuration dialog for setting the pocket milling parameters.

Enter the values into the Parameters dialogs as shown in the pictures below.

General Tab

This tab contains all the general parameters that are used for roughing and finishing in both depth and side cuts.

Linking Tab

Configures the way that the tool moves between cuts. This is known as a linking move. A linking move consist of three phases: 1: The Retract move from the current depth to the configured height where horizontal moves can be safely executed. 2: A horizontal move to the place where the start point of the next cut. 3: Down movement to the start point of the next cut.

Side Cuts Tab

Configures the cuts taken in the XY direction.

Depth Cuts Tab

Configures the cuts taken in the Z direction.

Entry Strategy Tab

Configures how the tool cuts from one Z level to the next.

Lead In/Out Tab

Configures the way the tool will approach the pocket at the start/end of the roughing, and for each finishing pass.

The use of lead in/out is optional, when the compensation is set to computer or none. It is however mandatory, when any compensation is performed by the controller.

Now, close the parameters dialog with OK. To show the generated toolpath click on Show Toolpath button in the Pocket Milling pane.

Click on the button Export Clipboard. The NC operation is now in the clipboard, and it is ready for insertion.

Change the window to that of the NC program and press Ctrl+End to move to the very end of the file. Insert the text from the clipboard just before the M30 line, either by pressing Ctrl+V, or selecting the icon Paste from the Edit toolbar in the Editor tab.

The NC program in the Editor now consists of three operations, and since we use the same tool for the contour and pocket operations we will not insert a tool before the pocket operation.