
Use this dialog to configure how to handle path information during an auto receive operation.

Path dialog

When auto receiving NC programs, it is sometimes useful to be able to specify a separate sub-directory, possibly relative to the main data directory, to which program data should be saved, or to be able to specify a completely different directory for some programs, without setting up additional auto receive sets.

There are two different ways to accomplish this:

Using a common path/name trigger

The program name trigger (specified under auto receive set) that extracts the program name, can be configured to extract the program path as well.

When using a common path/name trigger, you can specify the directory and program name as one string, using a path delimiter.




N0010 (PRG=/NCPRG/MOULD/1234)


Using a separate directory trigger

When using separate name and directory triggers, the server will look for the program name trigger in the incoming data. When a valid program name trigger is found, and that program name does not contain any path information, it will scan the received data for a valid directory trigger.




N0020 (PRG=1234)


Note: When using a separate directory trigger, the directory trigger must be located somewhere from 10 lines before the program name trigger, to 100 lines after the program name trigger.

Note: The path delimiter is specified on the Machine Type setup sheet.


Relative directory specification

Use this field to specify how to process relative path information. Relative paths, are paths without a path delimiter at the beginning.

Ex. The following string specifies a relative path and program name, with '/' as path delimiter : ncprg/machine/

The path delimiter is specified on the 'Machine Type' setup sheet.

Ignore : Ignore any path information.

Append : Append path information to the path(s) specified for this set.

Append to prefix : Append path information to the specified prefix.

Replace with prefix : Replace path information with the specified prefix


Absolute directory specification

Use this field to specify how to process absolute path information. Absolute paths, are paths with a path delimiter at the beginning.

Ex. The following string specifies an absolute path and program name, with '/' as path delimiter : /ncprg/machine/

The path delimiter is specified on the 'Machine Type' setup sheet.

Ignore : Ignore any path information.

Append : Append path information to the path(s) specified for this set.

Append to prefix : Append path information to the specified prefix.

Replace with prefix : Replace path information with the specified prefix


Relative directory prefix

Use this field to specify the prefix that should be inserted before any relative path. You can specify environment variables like $DATA or $MACHINE. Please refer to the on-line documentation for a complete listing of the available environment variables.


Absolute directory prefix

Use this field to specify the prefix that should be inserted before any absolute path. You can specify environment variables like $DATA or $MACHINE. Please refer to the on-line documentation for a complete listing of the available environment variables.

Separate directory trigger


Separate directory trigger

Check this field to use a separate directory trigger. You need to use a separate directory trigger, if you want to specify path information in the auto received program, and the path is not specified as a part of the program name. I.e. If you want to specify the program name with the start trigger 'PRG=', and the directory with the trigger 'DIR='.


Accept digits (0-9)

Check this field to allow digits in the program/path name.


Directory start trigger

Use this field to specify the start trigger. The server will look for the start trigger in the file, and when found, check that a valid sub-program name is specified following the trigger.


Accept other characters

Use this field to allow additional characters to be included in the program/path name.


Ignore characters

Use this field to specify characters that should be ignored in the program/path name.


Specify using advanced trigger

Check this field if you want to specify the trigger using the advanced format. Please refer to the on-line documentation for additional information on triggers.


Accept letters (a-z and A-Z)

Check this field to allow letters (a-z and A-Z) in the program/path name.


Accept environment character

Check this field to allow the environment character to be included in the program/path name. The environment character is defined on the 'Machine Type' setup sheet.


Ignore white spaces

Check this field to ignore white spaces between the start trigger and the program/path name.


Must be at start of line

Check this field if the start trigger must be at the start of the line.


Must be at end of line

Check this field if the program/path name must be at the end of the line.


Use translators on path

Check this field to use the translator defined in this set on the extracted path.


Advanced trigger

Use this field to specify the trigger using the advanced format. Please refer to the on-line documentation for additional information on triggers.