Insertar / Eliminar

This section describes the menu Insert / Remove. These functions allows you to quickly write and edit NC programs.

El menú 'Insertar / Eliminar'.


Marcar / Eliminar rango / Ctrl+M

When clicking on Mark/Delete Range in the Insert/Remove tab, the following dialog appears:

Cuadro de diálogo 'Marcar/Eliminar'.

Here, you can specify a range of lines or block numbers to be marked or deleted. In addition, a selection from a tool change, feed rate or spindle speed value to the next value can be marked up or deleted.


Omitir bloques

Adds a skip-character to the beginning of a NC block. For this purpose, select the desired NC blocks and then click on Block Skips .

The block skip character can be defined in the Máquina configuration dialog.


Eliminar omisión de bloques

All the block skip characters will be removed from the current CNC program.

If you only want to remove the characters of a given NC block, select this NC block (completely or at any point) and click on the icon Remove Block Skips .



Inserta espacios en blanco entre los comandos del programa CNC donde no haya un carácter de espacio entre dos de ellos para mejorar la lectura del programa por parte del usuario. Los caracteres de espacio existentes son dejados tal y como están.


Suprimir espacios en blanco

Elimina todos los caracteres de espacio y signos de tabulación del programa CNC (espacios en blanco).


Eliminar líneas vacías

Removes all the empty lines from the NC program.


Eliminar comentarios

Removes all the comments from the CN program - written in parentheses or with the Comment start/end characters defined in Máquina.



Inserts a user-defined string in the CNC program at the place defined in the dialog below.

Insert string dialog.


Eliminar secuencias

Removes strings from the NC program according to the specifications entered in the Remove String dialog (similar to the one above).


Insertar macros de supervisión

Inserta macros de monitorización en el programa de CN, para operaciones como cambio en la velocidad de avance (F), cambio de la velocidad de giro del cabezal (S) o cambio de herramienta (T) entre otras. Las macros de supervisión se identifican por la etiqueta DPRNT al comienzo de la línea o bloque.

When you click on this icon, the commands and values for program start, feedrate (F), spindle speed (S), and tool change (T) are found in the NC program and inserted into lines starting with DPRNT ... right after the individual command.

CNC program without monitoring macros.

CNC program with monitoring macros.

The observed values for the macros can be read via the serial interface for further processing.


Eliminar macros de supervisión

Removes all DPRNT lines that were added using the Insert Monitoring Macros function and restores the NC program to its original contents.


Auto insertar espacios

When this option is activated, a space is automatically inserted before each NC-word if the program is written "in a row" (without spaces).


Mayúsculas / Ctrl+U

Changes the case of the text to 'UPPERCASE' - including the comments.


Minúsculas / Ctrl+Shift+U

Changes the case of the text to 'lowercase' - including the comments.