
This section describes the functions related to file transmission on existing machine types. You can access the configuration of the selected machine through the icon . Read more about setting parameters for DNC communication under Configuración DNC.

The Machine menu.


Tipo de máquina

Seleccione en esta opción la máquina CNC para la transmisión de datos. Haga clic en el campo del tipo de máquina o en la flecha de la derecha para ver una lista desplegable con las máquinas disponibles para seleccionar.

El tipo de máquina determina el puerto de comunicación y la configuración.



Click this option to open the status window of current transmissions and/or receptions.

If the five icons on the Transmission menu are grayed out, and it seems that a CNC program transfer can or will be in progress, then you can click on the icon to display the transmission state window (sending or receiving):

'Transmit status' window.

The top left of the status window shows the signals of the serial data transmission according to EIA RS-232-C, which light up when activated. The top right part shows information of the current transmission (Machine, Filename, Bytes sent, etc.). Below the transfer status information there is a progress bar, three buttons to Start/Stop and Cancel the transmission and Show/Hide the terminal box, which shows the NC program being transmitted in plain text. Options to Scroll the text in the terminal box and to Show CR/LF (Carriage Return / Line Feed characters) are also available at the bottom of the window.

If you click the Stop button when a transmission is in progress, you will get the following dialog:

'Stop transfer' dialog.

Here you have the option to cancel the transfer (answering Yes) or continue (answering No).

When receiving a file from the machine, the transmission status window will look like this:

'Receive status' window.

When the CNC program (with M30) was completely received, is shown the following message:

Report 'Transfer completed'.

Click OK to confirm the receipt of this message.