NC Files

Use this configuration dialog to define how the names of NC files and their templates are handled.

The NC Files dialog.

File Name



This field shows a drop-down list of the machine groups stored in the database. Select a machine group from the list to edit its NC files set-up.


Use Level Settings

Select this option to use the same settings as are stored under Level Settings -> File Handling for the NC-File level.


File Name Prefix

Use this field to enter the prefix to the file name.



Use this field to specify the number of digits in the file name. If you enter the value "5", the file names - between the prefix and extension entered - will be 00001, 00002, etc.

This function is used for the generation of file names and is only active when Generate File Name is selected in the field "Default File Name" of the below section "Default Settings".



The file name extension you want to be default.



Use this field to specify the number with which you want each new file name - as generated using the number of digits specified under Digits - to be higher than the preceding file name. An increment value of 5 would cause the file names to be created as 00005, 00010, 00015, etc.


Next Number

Use this field to specify the next number to be generated.

File Template



Use this field to specify the file that should be used as NC template for the selected machine.

Click on the folder icon to specify a file.

Default Settings


Default File Action

Use this drop-down list to select what should happen to NC files when stored in the database.


Default File Name

Use this field to select how NC files should be named when stored in the database.


Default Path

The default path from which files should be opened for the selected machine.

Click on the folder icon to specify a directory.

Add NC Program Name


Add NC Program Name

Check this option to add the program name specified in the database field selected below to the NC file.


Database Field

Select from this drop-down list the field which contains the program name.


File Name Prefix

Use this field to specify a prefix for the program name.