Support for layers in CNC-Calc
The latest release of CIMCO CNC-Calc includes support for layers. A layer is a container for grouping related elements in a drawing and a drawing can have as many layers as needed. Layers also have different attributes such as color and visibility for keeping them organized.
With layers the following operations are available:
- Add, move, rename and delete layer
- Set layer color
- Toggle layer visibility
- Merge one or more layers
When adding new elements to a drawing, these will always be added to the active layer which is the visible layer currently selected.
With layers, DXF drawings now also retain the layer information and imported layers can be manipulated like any other layer.
When the visibility of a layer is toggled off, the elements in that layer will be hidden and thereby not be available for selection such as when selecting contours for CNC operations.
If layers are not for you, all elements can simply be kept in the default layer that is automatically generated when a new drawing is created. That way things will work as they used to.
CIMCO CNC-Calc is an add-on for CIMCO Edit and the latest version is included in both our CIMCO Software and CIMCO Edit downloads.