
Advanced dialog


Use runner files

Check this field to use a 'runner file'. Runner files are small programs sent to the DNC containing information about where to store the next file received. This is useful if you wish to auto receive programs that do not contain program number information (ex. machine parameter files).


Is directory runner

Check this field to use this auto receive set as a directory runner.

When DNC-Max receives a directory runner, the program name is used as a directory name, and DNC-Max will store all files received after the directory runner in that directory.

To change directory, a new directory runner must be sent, or the operator must wait for the timeout 'Directory runner expire time' specified below to expire.


Is file compare runner

Check this field to make this a 'File Compare Runner'.

When a file compare runner is received the next file received is not saved but compared with the existing file and a 'File Compare Report' is sent back to the operator.

The file will be compared with the name of the file specified in this runner.

Example: If you wish to compare program 2 on the control with program 1 on the server, send out a compare runner with the program name 1, and then send out program 2.

If you always want to compare the program on control with the same program on the server you must check the 'Ignore name specified in this runner' field below.


Ignore name specified in this runner

Check this field if you always want to compare the program on control with the same program on the server. When this field is checked you can have a permanent compare runner stored on the control, and punch it out every time you wish to perform a compare. There is no need to modify the runner program since the program name is ignored.


Ignore start/end trigger in file

Check this field to ignore start and end triggers in the file received using runner files. This is useful when receiving machine parameter files etc. that do not have valid start and/or end triggers.

When this option is selected, the CNC operator must wait for the 'Runner timeout' to expire between sending the runner and the real file to the DNC server.


Verify start/end triggers

Check this field to check the number of start/end triggers in the received data. This is useful when receiving multiple programs into the same file. An error report is generated if the number of start and end triggers doesn't match.

The start and end triggers must only occur once in each program.


Do not save start/end data

Check this field if data specified on the 'Save at start of file' and/or 'Save at end of file' setup sheet should not be applied to data received with a runner file.


Do not omit strings/lines

Check this field if the 'Omit lines containing' and/or 'Omit strings' triggers specified on the 'Receive' setup sheet should not be applied to data received with a runner file.


Do not change last line feed

Check this field if last line feed in files received with a runner file should not be changed as specified in the 'Handling of line feed after last line received' section.


Create directories

Check this field if DNC-Max should create a directory, if the directory specified in the directory runner program does not exist.


Directory runner expire time (secs.)

Use this field to specify the timeout for the directory runner.

After receiving a directory runner DNC-Max will store all programs received within this timeout value in the directory specified in the runner program.

To keep storing programs in the specified directory until a new directory runner is received, specify 0 as the timeout value.


Compare ignore block numbers

Select this option to ignore block numbers.


Compare ignore spaces

Select this option to ignore tabs (ASCII 9) and space (ASCII 32).


Compare ignore Comments

Select this option to ignore any changes within comments


Compare ignore case

Select this option to ignore the case of the compared files, i.e. 'a' matches 'A'


Compare ignore numeric format

Select this option to ignore leading/trailing zeros, and optional '+' character, i.e. 'X+14.10' matches 'X14.1'


Remove block numbers

Select this option to ignore leading/trailing zeros, and optional '+' character, i.e. 'X+14.10' matches 'X14.1'


Only diff in $COMPARECNC/PC

Check this field if only the part of the lines that is different should be stored in $COMPARECNC/$COMPAREPC

Append data


Append received data to existing file

Check this field to append the received data to an existing file. If the file does not exist, a new file is created.


Append files received using multi file reception

Check this field if files received using multi file reception should be appended to the first file received.

This is similar to using runner files, except that the first program received act as the runner.

Multi file reception must be enabled to use this feature.


Name files using highest priority set

Check this field to use the auto receive set with the highest priority to name the file.