
Use this dialog to specify transmission delays.

Delays dialog


Delay before transmission start (sec)

Use this field to specify the start delay. The server will wait the specified number of seconds before starting a remote requested transmission, and before sending the next file during a looped transmission.


Delay before each line (ms)

Use this field to specify the delay in ms. before each line is sent.


Delay between multi requests

Check this field if the specified 'Delay before transmission start' delay, should be inserted between each file requested using multi file remote request.


Delay between characters (ms)

Use this field to specify the delay in ms. that should be inserted between each character send.


Delay character block size

Use this field to specify how many characters should be sent between every character delay specified above.


Handshake resume delay (ms)

Use this field to specify the handshake resume delay. This is the amount of time that the server will wait after CTS is set, or an XOn has been received, before it starts sending data again.

It is recommend the you also specify a character and/or line delay when this option is used.

Advanced delays


Use single line delay trigger

Check this field to activate the single line delay trigger. The single line delay trigger is used to delay only those lines that satisfy the 'Delay lines containing' trigger.

The delay line trigger is also very useful, in cases where the triggered line should not be delayed.

The following example is from the Okuma configuration template:

[INDENT] Delay lines containing = ^\$.*MIN

Delay after line / Send before delay = \NUL% [/INDENT]

This will trigger on lines that starts with $, and contains the string MIN. When the trigger is found, \NUL% is sent at the end of the line, before the newline character(s).

This is because older Okuma CNC requires the line containing the program name to be enclosed in ASCII 0 characters.

Note: Additional settings are required to accomplish this.

For information about triggers, please refer to [LINK:triggers].


Delay lines containing

Use this field to specify the delay line trigger. Any line that satisfies this trigger will be delayed, as specified below. You can prevent the first N occurrences from being delayed, by specifying N in the 'Do not delay on first occurrence' field.


Delay before line (ms)

Use this field to specify the delay in ms. before sending any lines containing the delay line trigger.


Send before delay

Use this field to specify a string that should be sent before delaying 'Delay after line'.


Send after delay

Use this field to specify a string that should be sent after delaying 'Delay before line'.


Do not delay on first occurrences

Use this field to prevent the first N occurrences from being delayed (positive value), or delay only the first N occurrences (negative value).

Example: If you don't want a line to be delayed the first time the trigger is matched, use the value 1.

Example: If you only want a line to be delayed the first 2 times the trigger is matched, use the value -2.


Delay after line (ms)

Use this field to specify the delay in ms. after sending any lines containing the delay line trigger.


Send before delay

Use this field to specify a string that should be sent before delaying 'Delay after line'.


Send after delay

Use this field to specify a string that should be sent after delaying 'Delay after line'.