Editing a CNC-Program

After CIMCO Edit v7 is installed on your computer, the first step is to use it to open a CNC program. To do this you first open CIMCO Edit v7 by double-click the desktop icon and select ISO Milling as appropriate File Type. In this example, open the CNC milling file 4202.nc from the folder 'CNC programs of type 4000' (Click here to download a zip file with the CNC program).

The Main Program File is 4202.nc FLANGE (FL) and includes the two Sub Programs 4002.nc and 4003.nc. The program 4002.nc is the contour milling of FL-Outside and 4003.nc the contour layout for FL-Inside. Since the block numbering is not uniform for all files you should set up the block numbers with interval 10 for the entire program MPF4202.nc.

Click the small Dialog Launch Icon in the ribbon Block Numbers within the tab 'NC-Functions' to start the dialog Configure Block Numbering. Now set up the desired parameters in the dialog window "Block numbers - ISO Milling" according to the FL-program file 4202.nc (see NC Program FLANGE (FL)).

Launching the Block numbers setup window.

Now remove the old block numbers by clicking on the icon Remove and then insert the new block numbers by clicking on Renumber.

This will ensure that block numbers for the complete program file 4202.nc are evenly distributed. Please notice that any comment lines beginning with a round bracket or with the character % are not numbered (see NC Program FLANGE (FL)).

For more information about the subprograms SPF4002 and SPF4003 click on the Backplot Window icon under the Backplot tab. This will show the backplot of the current window, visualizing all the toolpaths of the CNC program MPF4202 (see Backplotting the CNC-Program FLANGE).

For dynamic simulation of the toolpaths click Start / stop simulation in the bottom right corner of the backplot window.

The tool T6 can be seen moving from the tool change position (X-100, Y0, Z40) to the outside contour for lead in / lead out with circles of 5 mm radius. In the same way, tool T14 moves to the inside contour.