Machine Utilization by Week and Month

First Copy the Daily utilization table as follows:

In System Setup click Tables/Graphs on the left and then highlight Daily Report: Machine utilization then click the Copy button below.

Edit the description to say Weekly report and add - $REPORTENDDATE to the title.

The title of the table will now be of the form "Machine Utilization - 13/10/2008 - 17/10/2008" which is the start and end date of the selected week.

Click Period on the left and change to the following:

The changes are Start Time Selected week, Duration to 1 week, Interval length to 1 day, Title to Day and interval title to $INTERVALSTARTDATEAA which gives the day of the week.

Click OK to save then generate a table which looks like:

Changing this to monthly is achieved by copying the table again, changing the title to Monthly and setting the period as follows: