Database Settings

This section describes how to define a Base Directory, declare Custom Fields, and affix prefix/suffix to the Memo, Tool, and Setup files.

To open the Database Settings dialog, select Setup in the Administration menu, or click the Setup dialog launch icon in the Database menu. Then in the left window of the CIMCO NC-Base Configuration, click on Database Settings. The following dialog appears:

Database Settings dialog.

Base Directory


Base Directory

In this field, the program base directory is defined. Click on the folder icon to the right to select a base directory.

Custom fields


Text field 1 - 9

Enter into these fields the title of the corresponding custom search field. If you do not want to use this custom search field, leave it empty.


Uppercase field

Check this field to make it uppercase.


Field is read-only

Check this field to make the input field read-only.

When a field is read-only, it can only be modified by importing, receiving, or scanning the program.


Text 'Program'

Use this field to specify the title used for the 'Program' field.


Text 'Project'

Use this field to specify the title used for the 'Project' field.

You can disable this feature by checking the option Disable project under Server Settings.


Memo Prefix

Use this field to specify the memo file filename prefix.


Memo Suffix

Use this field to specify the memo file filename suffix.


Tool Prefix

Use this field to specify the tool list filename prefix.


Tool Suffix

Use this field to specify the tool list filename suffix.


Setup Prefix

Use this field to specify the setup sheet filename prefix.


Setup Suffix

Use this field to specify the setup sheet filename suffix.