
The Modify toolbar modifies the geometry in different ways.


Trim To Intersection

Trim to intersection will trim the selected element to the nearest intersection(s). Select the element to be trimmed on that part to be removed. It is then trimmed to the intersection(s) nearest the point where it was selected. The trimmed element is also broken in two if there are intersections on both sides of the selected point.


Trim One Element

Trim one element will trim one element to another. Select the element to be trimmed first, on the section to be kept, and then select the element to trim to. This kind of trimming may extend the trimmed element to the intersection with the element it is trimmed to.


Trim Two Elements

Trim two elements will trim two elements to each other. Select the two elements to be trimmed, on the sections to be kept. This kind of trimming may extend the trimmed elements to their intersection.


Fillet Elements

Fillet elements creates a fillet between two elements, with a fillet radius you select. It is optional whether the two elements should also be trimmed to the fillet.


Chamfer Elements

Chamfer elements creates a chamfer between two elements, with a defined angle and/or distance. It is optional whether the two elements should also be trimmed to the chamfer.


Break Element

Break element will divide an element into two pieces. First select the element to be broken into two, and then select the point at which it should be divided.


Join Elements

Join elements will join two selected elements into one.



Delete will delete the elements you select. They can be restored with the Undo function (the icon in the Modify toolbar).


Remove Duplicates

Remove duplicates will delete elements that are duplicated in the drawing.


Offset Elements

Offset elements will offset the elements you select by a specified distance. It is optional whether the original element should be kept.


Mirror Elements

Mirror elements will mirror the elements you select along a line selected as the mirror axis.


Translate Elements

Translate elements will translate the elements you select along a vector defined by selecting two points. It is optional, whether the original should be kept, and it is possible to create multiple copies, where each copy is translated one step further along the selected vector.


Rotate Elements

Rotate elements will create one or more copies of the selected elements, rotated around a selected point, at a specified angle per copy. It is optional whether the original should be kept.


Scale Elements

Scale elements will create one or more copies of the selected elements, scaled about a selected point by a specified scale factor. It is optional whether the original should be kept.



Undo will undo one or more operations. This can mean deleting elements created, restoring deleted elements, and/or undoing modifications to elements. Undo can also be accessed with Ctrl+Backspace.