

Remote print request


Print received file

Check this field if the received program should be printed also.


Print only

Check this field if the requested program should be printed, but not sent back to the control.


Destination printer

Select the destination printer from this list.

New printer configurations can be added in the server configuration.

Ignore programs


Ignore programs

Use this field to specify programs that should be ignored (programs are not saved).

There are two ways to specify which programs should be ignored: String and Advanced.

String : Specify the program name(s) that should be ignored. To specify multiple programs, separate them with commas. To specify a range of programs, use '-'.

Example: To ignore programs 7000, 7001 and all programs from 8000 to 9999, specify '7000,7001,8000-9999'.

Advance :Specify which programs to ignore using an advanced trigger.

Example: To ignore all programs that start with 'P', specify '^P.*$'


Ignore files smaller than (bytes)

Use this field to specify the minimum file size. Any transfers that are smaller or equal in size to the specified value are discarded. To accept all files, specify a value of 0.

Probe data


Enable probe data handling

Check this field to append files received with this auto receive set to the previously received file. This is useful when receiving probe data, where the time between measurements is longer than the normal receive timeout.

Files are only appended to the previous auto-received file, if that file was received with an auto receive set that also has the 'Append to previous received file' option checked. Normally this would be the same set, i.e. all probing data is received with the same auto receive set.

No receive report is sent after receiving probe data.


Append reset trigger

Use this field to specify the append reset trigger. If a file is received that matches this trigger it will not be appended to the previous received file, but saved in a new file.


Print after last file received

Check this field if the received files should not be printed until all files have been received.

Printing will start when the 'Append reset timeout' has expired, or a new file is received that matches the 'Append reset trigger' trigger.


Append reset timeout (secs)

Use this field to specify the 'append timeout'. Files received after the specified time will not be appended to the previously received file.



Use this option to specify a file to be sent as report after a file has been successfully received using this auto receive set.

A copy of this file will be sent 'as is' instead of the usual report specified in 'Advanced > Report success'.

Use this option only if there is a specific reason to use a different report file for this particular set. Otherwise, use 'Advanced > Report success'.


Send selected file to acknowledge program is received

Use this option to specify a file to be sent as report after a file has been successfully received using this auto receive set.

A copy of this file will be sent 'as is' instead of the usual report specified in 'Advanced > Report success'.

Use this option only if there is a specific reason to use a different report file for this particular set. Otherwise, use 'Advanced > Report success'.