
Advanced dialog


Maximum line length

Use this field to specify the maximum length of any lines transmitted, including linefeed characters. Lines longer than the specified value will not be transmitted. A value of 0 will allow a maximum line length of 1024 characters, which is the maximum allowed length.


Send files with non-standard CR/LF

Check this field if you wish to send files that contains non-standard linefeed characters like \CR\LF\LF or \CR\CR.


Maximum report line length

Use this field to specify the maximum length of lines in reports.

Any report lines longer than the specified value will be 'wrapped'.

To disable this feature specify 0.


Always send linefeed after last line

Select this option if a linefeed should always be sent after the last line.

If this option is not checked, a linefeed is still sent if the file contains a linefeed after the last line.

Transmit character filter


Remove white spaces

Check this box if you want to remove tabs (ASCII 9) and space (ASCII 32) from the file sent to the remote machine.


Replace tabs with spaces

Check this box if you want to convert any tabs (ASCII 9) to space (ASCII 32) before sending the file to the remote machine.


Omit empty lines

Check this field to prevent the server from sending empty lines (blank lines in the transmitted file).


Omit multiple empty lines

Check this field to remove more than one empty line.

If more than one consecutive empty lines are found, only one empty line is sent.


No translators on reports

Check this field if the 'Transmit Translators' should not be applied to success/verify/compare/failed reports.


Convert case

Check this field if you want to convert the transmitted data to either upper or lower case.

If your CNC only accepts upper- or lowercase characters, select the upper- or lowercase. All data sent, including receive reports etc. will be converted.


Convert to uppercase

Select this field to convert any transmitted data to upper case.


Convert to lowercase

Select this field to convert any transmitted data to lower case.


Replace colon with path delimiter

Check this field to replace colon with the path delimiter.

Check this field if the control does not accept colons in comments.

The path delimiter is specified on the 'Machine Type' setup page.


Omit lines containing

Use this field to specify the omit line trigger. Any lines in the transmitted file that satisfy the specified trigger will not be sent. Please refer to the on-line documentation for additional information on triggers.


Omit strings

Use this field to specify the omit string trigger. Any data in the transmitted file that satisfies this trigger will be removed.

Ex. To remove all occurrences of the string 'PRG', select 'String' from the drop down menu, by pressing the small picture at the end of the input field, and enter the string 'PRG'. To remove all occurrences of the characters '#' and '*', select 'Characters' from the drop down menu, and specify '#*' in the input field. Please refer to the on-line documentation for additional information on triggers.

Wait for XOn trigger


Wait for XOn on lines matching

Use this field to specify the 'Wait for XOn trigger'.

When DNC-Max finds this trigger, it will wait for XOn, before sending any more data.

To wait for XOn in the middle of the line, use an advanced trigger to match the data that should come after the XOn.

Example: To wait for XOn between two % signs, specify '%<%>'

To wait for XOn between % and $ specify '%<\$>'.


Wait after line transmitted

Check this field if the line matching the 'Wait for XOn trigger' should not be sent until an XOn has been received.

Dripfeed resume