New options in CIMCO Edit: Block Skip and Group Macros
Block Skip Option
A new option in CIMCO Edit has been added to support the Block Skip (/) On or Off function on Fanuc controls. The option can be found in the “Backplot Setup”.
When this option is enabled NC lines with the Block Skip character are executed in the backplot.
Macro Groups
You can now create Groups in Macros and move existing Macros into a different Group. The Standard file types (ISO Millingt/Turning, Heidenhain, Text, Haas Milling and Turning) have the macros saved in a “Default” group.
How to creating a new group
Here a new Group called “M Codes” is made in the ISO Milling File Type.
Existing Macros can be moved into the “M Codes” Group.
M Codes Group of Macros are now available in the dropdown list in the NC-Assistant and Toolbar.